Different locks
Door locks play an essential role in any living space, and are part of the building blocks for safety and security. Most people are aware of this, but not many are well informed when it comes to types of door locks. Choosing the right door lock from the available types is important. The reason is obvious: some locks work better in some situations than others. A basic understanding of types of door locks for homes will help homeowners and property managers choose the best locks that can be used at all times. There are lots of different locks, below are locks that are the most in demand.
1. Deadbolt
Deadbolts are probably one of the most popular types of door locks, and they are widely used in many homes. Because of their popularity, they are also a common fixture in commercial spaces. A majority of homeowners should be familiar with the single cylinder deadbolt, which can be considered a subset of types of door locks. However, there are several types of deadbolts, each of which can be used in some capacity within a residential environment. In terms of the type of door lock, the deadbolt is usually used to secure external doors. There is no law against using deadbolts in the home, but there are other types of locks that are better suited for this task (but we will come back to that later). Another point to keep in mind is that a deadbolt lock does not use a spring mechanism to operate the latch.
2. Doorknob locks
If you needed to find a doorknob within 30 seconds, you would probably know where to look. If you could not reach the doorknob within the allotted time, you would still know exactly where it is and how to get there. Doorknob locks are easy to find, and they are usually used for indoors. There are probably doorknobs installed on an exterior door somewhere, but those who have done so have the wrong idea (explanation follows). Of all the types of door locks, the doorknob comes closest to being used indoors.
3. Mortise locks
Mortise locks are similar to cylindrical lever locks, in that they are used more in commercial buildings, although they are also used in many homes. I should point out that there are many types of door locks that are suitable for both residential and commercial use. Most homeowners who have a mortise lock either chose it themselves or the lock was already fitted to their door. It is often the case that older homes have mortise locks, and some owners choose to continue to maintain these locks rather than have a locksmith in the Netherlands install new locks. There is nothing wrong with that, as there are many advantages to using a mortise lock.
4. Electronic locks and smart locks
Electronic locks are also commonly used for homes, and this applies to both houses and flat blocks. Many people often conflate smart locks and electronic locks, but that would be incorrect. You are right in thinking that smart locks are electronic locks, but not every electronic lock is a smart lock. There is a fine line between the two, but knowing where to tread is a fairly simple task, and one that will help you choose the right types of door locks. Using electronic or smart locks on a property is usually done when there is an inherent need for better access control, or simply when a resident wants to install a lock that seems more efficient.